The time is near, we are almost ready to move into our brand new showroom! We are beside ourselves with excitement, this is literally the biggest thing we have done in a few years and we can't wait to show it to all our friends, family and clients.
We have had hiccups, delays, damaged stock and more disagreements with each other than I care to admit but we are almost there. It hasn't been all bad, we've had a lot of laughs together and it really is fun planning and creating a new space to work in. The kids have had a ball running around and they can't wait to come to work in the new space, although our eldest has started big school this year so she won't be visiting as often as she hopes!
We are also starting to get our get list together for the big launch/grand opening party too, far out the list is long and our budget low so fingers crossed we can source enough food and drink for everyone haha!
This new space is going to be a little piece of design heaven, with lots of colour samples, cabinetry colour swatches, business card galore of local tradies and businesses we love to support! I can't wait!
Big love, Nickie x